It only took about two months , evenings filled with laughter , perplexity , brainstorming , endless rounds of tea n coffee ,sleepy eyes, music echoing from every corner of the college and lots of love to bring to you the event that we put together at the Pianoman Jazz club on the 22nd of September 2019.
The hues of red , the thunderous applause and the grand piano on stage was all adding up to the grandeur that was expected of the show.
Full occupancy showed how eager everyone was for the performances to begin . The connoisseurs of music , music lovers , curious walk-in’s all contributed to the energy of the event .
From The beatle’s blues rock to Sam smith’s pop , from Frank Sinatra’s “The way you look tonight “ to The Staves’ “Facing west “ from Childish Gambino’s “Redbone” to Billie Eilish’s “Bad guy” and Steely Dan’s “Joise “ , you name it and it was there.
Such performances and events always do a lot more to a budding musician than excitement of putting up a show.It is a building block of how someone’s musical destiny may look like.The romance that an artist does with the stage and audience through their performance is unique and that’s where a musician derives his attitude from.
Our Teachers and mentors play a pivotal role in shaping us as musicians – Nidhi Maam , Smiti Maam , Sherry sir , Adhir sir , Aman sir, Suyash sir ,Jigmee sir and our entire team. We’re blessed with a team of inspiring teachers who contributed equally to our show. Giving us a pat on our shoulders, when we’re nervous and the tightest hug when they’re proud , we’ve shared this musical experience together and here’s to innumerable more !